4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering - Symposium on Civil Engineering and Spatial Planning
The 4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering will be held on the 28th to 29th of June, 2021 (online).
DCE21 is an excellent opportunity for doctoral students, of the several areas of engineering, to discuss their on-going research with peers, professors and industry/companies and also for potential industry partners to contact a broad audience of engineers which will soon be looking to move on to the industry.
MSc students are also welcomed to submit abstracts, as prospective students for doctoral programs, as well as researchers.
The submitted abstract reference (authors, title) will be included in the DCE21 Booklet.
Specific Symposium Book of Abstracts with ISBN will be made available with the reviewed abstracts.
Selected authors will be invited to submit a full paper in a special issue of Proceedings to the U.Porto Journal of Engineering.
Each Symposium will award specific prizes.
You can have more information on the official webpage of the event.
News published in 13 Mar, 2021