phd theses
- Gomes N (2024) The impact of urban structures shaped by topography on the competitiveness between car and pedestrian, PhD Thesis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal. https://handle/10216/159959
- Silva, D (2024) Processos de mudança em áreas urbanas centrais: turismo e atividades criativas no centro do Porto, PhD Thesis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Augis, F (2023) Social housing, urban shrinkage and infrastructure: analysis of a social housing approach in two mediumsized shrinking cities in France (Le Creusot and Montluçon), PhD Thesis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Bobermin, MP (2023) Identification and Analysis of Contributing Factors Related to Road Crashes, PhD Thesis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Correia, DV (2023) Energy Harvesting Systems for Transport Infraestructures, PhD Thesis, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Cunha, I (2023) Bicycle Accessibility Planning: Towards an Equitable Approach, PhD Thesis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Flores, C (2023) Governança Insurgente de Baixa Intensidade no Sul Global: uma alternativa decolonial à Pós-democracia, PhD Thesis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Sousa, M (2023) Serious Planning Games, PhD Thesis, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Spolaor, S (2023) Planning informality: the urban forms of ordinary cities, PhD Thesis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Teixeira, J (2023) Bike Sharing Systems during Disruptive Public Health Crises: The Case of Lisbon's GIRA, PhD Thesis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Arat, M (2022) Strengthening the Conzenian method of morphological regionalization, PhD Thesis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Boudebouz, A (2022) Community development in urban regeneration projects: the contribution of participatory processes, PhD Thesis, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Brandimiller, T (2022) Corrigir a lente que observa e compreende o fenômeno da informalidade urbana. Avaliação orientada pela teoria do programa de regularização fundiária, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Frade, I (2022) Bike-Sharing Systems - Demand, Location and Impacts, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Gama, M (2022) Flood Emergency Logistics Management , Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Ibraeva, A (2022) Transit-Oriented Development, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Maxlhaieie, P (2022) A Atividade Turística no Processo de Urbanização das Cidades Moçambicanas, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Ramos, P (2022) Instituições e Indicadores na "Monitorização e Avaliação" em Planeamento do Território, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Affonso, C (2021) Urban Development Instruments in a context of increasing Financialization: The case of Urban Partnership Operations in Brazil, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Alcoforado, C (2021) Análise Territorial da Oferta de Transportes Públicos: Estudo sobre a cidade do Recife, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Altieri, M (2021) Assessing urban transport competition in megacities: public transport versus cars, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Antunes, F (2021) Active Learning Metamodels for Transport Simulation Problems, FCTUC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Azeiteiro, R (2021) Numerical simulation of liquefaction-related phenomena, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Valente, S (2021) Adaptive Planning for coastal climate adaptation in port-cities: integrating Adaptation Pathways into planning instruments, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Bravo, E (2020) Strategic Planning of Intermodal Platform Networks, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Cadima, C (2020) Evolução dos Padrões de Mobilidade e Fatores de Escolha Modal: O Caso dos Estudantes da FEUP, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Coimbra, I (2020) Local Knowledge in Spatial Policies: The Role of Spatial Data Processing Tools, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Monteiro, C (2020) Morfologia urbana na prática de planeamento: para uma metodologia integrada de análise e proposta de cidade, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Pereira, LC (2020) Optimum road network design for the deployment of automated vehicles in urban areas. Doctoral Programme in Transport Systems, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Romanini, A (2020) A influência dos investimentos públicos na produção do espaço urbano e no processo de valorização fundiária em Florianópolis/SC, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil (Co-orientador Vitor Oliveira - CITTA).
- Serrano, T (2020) Mobilização e Mutação das Políticas Urbanas: Circuitos (extra)locais e Variedade Relacional, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Silva, J (2020) Gestão Eficaz e Eficiente da Segurança nos Trabalhos de Manutenção e Conservação em Autoestradas em Exploração, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Amorim, M (2019) Analyzing Strategic and Tactical Decisions in the urban Emergency Medical Service (uEMS) Transport System, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Antunes, D (2019) Integrated schedule recovery: a multi-agent approach, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Pinheiro, A (2019) O espaço público e o envelhecimento ativo, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Ribeiro, N (2019) Airport capacity management: towards a slot allocation modelling approach compliant with IATA rules, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Silva, P (2019) Modelos de Previsão de Acidentes em Rodovia Brasileira de Pista Dupla, PhD Thesis in Transportation, University of Brasilia, Brasília.
- Vilarinho, C (2019) Intelligent traffic signal control, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.
- Carreira, J (2018) Airline Fleet Composition: Analysis and Planning. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Cavadas, J (2018) Integrated Transit-Parking Policy Making. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Duarte, F (2018) Pavement Energy Harvesting System to Convert Vehicles Kinetic Energy into Electricity, PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Fernandes, AP (2018) Study of natural atmospheric aerosols in Portugal: integrated analysis using air quality modelling and satellite data, PhD Thesis, University of Aveiro, Portugal ( Orientador Oxana Tchepel - Citta).
- Silva, CG (2018) Desert Dust Contribution to the Atmospheric Aerosol in Cape Verde and in Portugal, PhD Thesis, University of Aveiro, Portugal ( Orientador Oxana Tchepel - Citta).
- Amante, A (2017) Accessibility Measures in the Portuguese Urban Planning System. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Fragoso, T (2017) Strategic Analysis of the Expansion of Urban Infrastructure. University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Gomes, S (2017) The role of urban planning in climate change mitigation. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Lobo, A (2017) Operating Speed Modeling in Two-Lane Highways, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Abrantes, N (2016) The requalification of public spaces in social housing in Porto: design as a social instrument. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Ebert, S (2016) Managerial Decisions and Performance in European Urban Public Transport - a Comparative Analysis. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Ferreira, H (2016) Simulação computacional do comportamento dinâmico de veículos pesados: Classificação energética do traçado de autoestradas de montanha. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Mendes, L (2016) Urban Design and Active Ageing, the public space of residential areas. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Ornelas, C (2016) Urban rehabilitation in historical centres: models of intervention and management in critical areas. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Pinto, N (2016) Multi-scale integrated cellular modelling for the study of urban change phenomena. PhD Thesis, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain.
- Santos, JM (2016) Life-cycle Cost Analysis System for Pavement Management. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Almeida, A (2015) A Methodological Framework for Pavement Damage Estimation Considering Simulated Axle Load Spectra. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Balkestahl, L (2015) A ilha de calor urbano e o contexto sinóptico. Topoclima urbano – domínio ou sujeição. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Gonçalves, JA (2015) O envolvimento de crianças e jovens num modelo de gestão territorial participada ao nível local. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Leal, D (2015) Rail Cargo on the Lisbon-Madrid High-Speed Rail Line: an assessment of feasibility. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Lopes, M (2015) The Publicness of urban spaces. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Restivo, J (2015) Public housing: (in)extensive renovation? PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Santos, R (2015) Planning and scheduling models towards a more efficient heavy maintenance of the railway track. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Weldemichael, A (2015) Optimization Based Approach for Land-Use/Transportation Policy Making. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Batista, L (2014) Avaliação de Impactos Sociais em Portugal – da Realidade Formal à (Ir)Relevância Real, PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Chen, X (2014) Reliable Dynamic Signal Control – A Simulation-Based Optimization Approach. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Demissie, M (2014) Estimation and Prediction of Road Traffic Status with Information from Multiple Sources. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Jorge, D (2014) Optimization and Simulation of One-Way Carsharing Operations. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Maia, L (2014) Development and Application Of A Strategic Rail Network Optimization Model for Freight Transport. PhD Thesis. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Piccinini, G (2014) Driver`s Behavioural Adaptation to the Use of Advanced Cruise Control (ACC) and Blind Spot Information System (BLIS). PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Serra, M (2014) Anatomy of an Emerging Metropolitan Territory - Towards an unified analytical framework for metropolitan morphology. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Vasconcelos, L (2014) Avaliação do desempenho operacional de rotundas: modelos e aplicações. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Cortesão, J (2013) Thermal retrofitting of public spaces in compact urban areas. A bioclimatic approach. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Costa, AL (2013) Planning for Robust High-Speed Rail Systems: The Effects of Natural Hazards. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Dias, D (2013) Exposure Modelling to Traffic-Related Air Toxic Pollutants. PhD Thesis, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
- Fernandes, R (2013) The Distinctive Nature of Spatial Planning Policies in Islands. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Fernández Moreno, MA (2013) De los Riesgos Naturales a los Riesgos del Territorio: las Unidades Territoriales como Medio para Comprender los Escenarios de Riesgo. PhD Thesis, University of Salamanca, Spain.
- Maia, L (2013) Development and Application of a Strategic Rail Network Optimization Model for Freight Transport. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Meneses, S (2013) Um Instrumento de Apoio à Decisão Multi-Objectivo para Sistemas de Gestão de Pavimentos Rodoviários. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Pascoalino, A (2013) Influências do ritmo climático e da vulnerabilidade socioambiental na distribuição temporo-espacial da mortalidade por doenças cardiovasculares na cidade de Limeira/SP. PhD Thesis, “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” São Paulo State University, Brasil.
- Saraiva, M (2013) The morphological sense of commerce - Symbioses between commercial activity and the form and structure of Portuguese medium-sized cities. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Gonçalves, J (2012) A influência da Qualidade da Acessibilidade por Transporte Coletivo na Repartição Modal de Deslocações em Áreas Urbanas. PhD Thesis, University of Beira Interior, Portugal.
- Pita, J (2012) Optimum Design of Aviation Networks: The Cases of Airport Congestion and Low Demand. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Santos, M (2012) Optimization Models for the Expansion of Airport Networks. PhD Thesis. University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Silva, JP (2012) Avaliação de Impactos de Medidas de Acalmia de Tráfego – Desenvolvimento de Recomendações de Aplicação. PhD Thesis. University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Soriano, É (2012) Risco de Colapso de Barragem na UHE de Itaipu Binacional: Confiança, Incertezas e Perceção do Risco da População a Jusante em Relação à Cultura Institucional de Segurança no Combate às Ameaças Ecossistémica, Climática e de Terrorismo. PhD Thesis, São Paulo State University, Brasil.
- Teixeira, J (2012) Public Facility Planning Models with Single and Multiple Services: Models, Solution Methods and Applications. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Teodoro, P (2012) Caminhos para a Sustentabilidade Urbana: da Teoria à Prática. PhD Thesis, “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” São Paulo State University, Brasil.
- Borges, O (2011) Planeamento de Equipamentos Educativos em Cabo Verde. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Marques, B (2011) O Desenho Urbano como Instrumento de Adaptação ao Clima Local. Um Caso de Estudo. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Mendes, A (2011) Air Transportation Design for Effective and Efficient Service to Small Remote Communities: Policy Options under Regulatory Reform. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Oliveira, C (2011) Políticas Territoriais e Tensão Institucional: O Caso da Coordenação Intermunicipal. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Repolho, H (2011) Optimal Location of Access Points in Controlled Entry Transportation Networks. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Bento, R (2010) Planeamento da Rede Escolar do Ensino Básico: Uma Abordagem Intermunicipal Baseada Em Modelos de Planeamento e Sistemas Espaciais de Apoio à Decisão. PhD Thesis, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal.
- Ferreira, S (2010) A Segurança Rodoviária no Processo de Planeamento da Rede de Transportes. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Melo, S (2010) Evaluation of urban goods distribution initiatives towards mobility and sustainability: indicators, stakeholders and assessment tools. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Rocha, C (2010) O Custo do Ruído no Planeamento das Infraestruturas de Transporte Rodoviário. PhD Thesis, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Sousa, S (2010) Planning for Shrinking Cities in Portugal. PhD Thesis. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Bigotte, J (2009) Towards a Location Modeling Approach to Urban Hierarchy Planning. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Ribeiro, A (2009) As Infraestruturas Rodoviárias e o Desenvolvimento Regional. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Santos, B (2009) Road Network Planning under Efficiency, Robustness and Equity Criteria. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra. Portugal.
- Viana, D (2009) Maputo - Transformação de uma Estrutura Urbana de Origem Portuguesa: Um Contributo para a Requalificação do Espaço Urbano. PhD Thesis. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Madureira, H (2008) A Infra-Estrutura Verde da Bacia do Leça: Uma Estratégia Para O Desenvolvimento Sustentável na Região Metropolitana do Porto. PhD Thesis. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Silva, C (2008) Comparative Accessibility for Mobility Management - The Structural Accessibility Layer. PhD Thesis. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Baptista, FM (2007) Conteúdo Ambiental dos Instrumentos Locais de Planeamento do Território: Uma Visão Comparativa no Quadro Europeu. PhD Thesis. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Branco-Teixeira, M (2007) A Integração das Infraestruturas no Planeamento do Território: o Papel das TIC na Cultura do Planeador. PhD Thesis. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Oliveira, V (2007) Avaliação em Planeamento Urbano. PhD Thesis. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Conceição, P (2004) Modelos de Produção e Gestão de Habitação Social. University of Porto.
- Cruz, S (2004) Fragmentos Utópicos na Cidade Caótica: os Condomínios Fechados no Grande Porto. PhD Thesis. University of Porto, Portugal.
- Silva, AB (2004) Definição de uma Metodologia de Conceção de Cruzamentos Giratórios. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra. Portugal.
- Tavares, JP(2004) Aplicabilidade e Robustez de Modelos de Afetação de Tráfego em Redes Urbanas. PhD Thesis, University of Porto. Portugal.
- Rebelo, E (2003) Mercado Imobiliário e Transformações Urbanas, University of Porto. Portugal.
- Ferreira, A (2001) Otimização da Conservação de Pavimentos de Redes Rodoviárias, University of Coimbra. Portugal.