Duarte, Sérgio

- Room:
Sérgio Pedro Duarte is a Researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Construction and an Invited Assistant Professor at the FEUP. With a background in Civil Eng. and Services Eng. and Management, he has Ph.D. in Transportation Systems from U.Porto. He has collaborated with INESC TEC and has been involved in industry consultancy projects. He is the Portuguese Ambassador of the Association for European Transport, a member of the Communication Board for the EURO Working Group on Decision Support Systems and he co-founded of GITMob – Interest Group in Transport and Mobility. His main research topics include stakeholder engagement and participatory design, service management and design science research, and road safety and transport engineering.
Research Interests:
- Stakeholder engagement
- Participatory decision making processes
- Road safety
- Technology based transport solutions (AV’s, UAM)
- City as a service system
- Service science
CV links:
- ORCID: 0000-0002-0099-0476
- CiênciaVitae: D114-2938-470C
- Scopus: 57220519706