Gonçalves, Carla

Research Group 1 - Spatial Planning and Environment (SPE)
Gonçalves, Carla
FEUP - G411

Carla Gonçalves is a Portuguese landscape architect with an MSc in Regional and Urban Planning. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Spatial Planning at FEUP/CITTA. Her research, titled "Towards Coastal Landscape Governance: Insights across Time and Space from Northern Portugal" is funded by the FCT and explores the contribution of landscape in protecting the coastal socio-ecological system. Carla has also been involved in teaching landscape architecture at the University of Porto and served as a board member and treasurer of the NGO CIVILSCAPE from 2018 to 2021.


Research Interests:

  • Coastal lanscape governance
  • Spatial planning & landscape planning
  • Landscape character assessment
  • Driving forces of landscape change
  • Green and blue infrastructure


CV links: