Martins, João Pedro
Research Group 3 - Transport Planning and Environment (TPE)

- Room:
João Pedro Martins is a geographer with a Master’s degree in Spatial Planning and Urban Project. He is currently a doctoral candidate in the Spatial Planning programme at FEUP/CITTA, where his FCT-funded research entitled “The Role of Airports in Spatial Planning and Regional Development” investigates the integration of airports into spatial planning and regional development strategies. His thesis also examines how spatial plans accommodate airport operations and development, as well as the relationship between airport operators – whether public, private, or public-private partnerships – and policymakers in shaping planning priorities.
Research Interests:
- Integrated land-use and transport planning
- Aviation and airport planning
- Public policy and public value
- Spatial analysis
CV links:
- ORCID: 0000-0002-0724-4927
- CiênciaVitae: 721C-F9B3-14F3