Antunes, António Pais

Research Group 3 - Transport Planning and Environment (TPE)
Antunes, António Pais

Diploma in Civil Engineering (5 years), University of Coimbra, Portugal
PhD in Applied Sciences (Branch Spatial Planning), University of Louvain, Belgium


António Pais Antunes is a professor at the University of Coimbra (UC). He holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering (5 years) from the University of Coimbra and a PhD in Applied Sciences, branch Spatial Planning, from the Catholic University of Louvain, in Belgium. In the 1980s, he worked for the Centro Region Development Commission, in Portugal. He was the Director of Planning of this commission when the country joined the European Community. The fact that he took part then in many decision processes involving social infrastructure partly explains why the subject of his doctoral program was facility location. Later, he has participated in the preparation of master plans for ten Portuguese municipalities, of various sizes and in different parts of the country, being the coordinator of the technical team for three of them. In the mid 1990s, he decided to focus on his academic career at the UC, teaching Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering. Initially, his main research area was facility location but, progressively, he extended his interests to transport planning and, more recently, to land-use/transport planning. Up to now, he has supervised 16 PhD students and authored over 150 scientific publications, including 37 articles in peer-reviewed international journals. Many of these publications originate from studies carried out in the UC under contract with public entities or private firms. António Pais Antunes currently acts as Director of the Doctoral Program in Transport Systems offered jointly by the University of Coimbra, the University of Porto, and the Technical University of Lisbon, and Member of the Coordination Team of the MIT Portugal Program. Also, he is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Singapore MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, area of Future Urban Mobility. He was a Visiting Scholar of Princeton University in 1997/98 and an Invited Professor at EPF Lausanne in 2010/11 (2nd Semester).

Recent Publications (2016-):

Dias, D., Tchepel, O., Antunes, A.P., “Integrated modelling approach for the evaluation of low emission zones”, Journal of Environmental Management 177, 253-263, 2016.

Giménez-Gaydou, D.A., Ribeiro, A.S.N., Gutiérrez, J., Antunes, A.P., “Optimal location of battery electric vehicle charging stations in urban areas: a new approach”, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 10(5), 393-405, 2016.

Repolho, H.M., Church, R.L., Antunes, A.P., “Optimizing station location and fleet composition for a high-speed rail line”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 93, 437–452, 2016.

Carreira, J.S., Lulli, G., Antunes, A.P., “The airline long-haul fleet planning problem: The case of TAP service to/from Brazil”, European Journal of Operational Research 263(2), 639-651, 2017.

Pinto, N., Antunes, A.P., Roca, J., “Applicability and calibration of an irregular cellular automata model for land use change”, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 65, 93-102, 2017.

Antunes, A.P., Santos, M.G., Pita, J.P, Menezes, A.G., “Study on the Evolution of the Air Transport Network of the Azores”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 118, 837-851, 2018.

Ribeiro, N.A., Jacquillat, A., Antunes, A.P., Odoni, A.R., Pita, J.P., “An optimization approach for airport slot allocation under IATA guidelines”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 112, 132-156, 2018.

Antunes, D., Vaze, V., Antunes, A.P., “A robust pairing model for airline crew scheduling”, Transportation Science 53(6), 1751-1771, 2019.

Cavadas, J., Antunes, A.P., “An optimization model for integrated transit-parking policy planning”, Transportation 46, 1867-1891, 2019.

Ribeiro, N.A., Jacquillat, A., Antunes, A.P., “A large-scale neighborhood search approach to airport slot allocation”, Transportation Science 53(6), 1772-1797, 2019.

Ribeiro, N.A., Jacquillat, A., Antunes, A.P., Odoni, A., “Improving slot allocation at Level 3 airports”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 127, 32-54, 2019.

Teixeira, J.C., Bigotte, J.F., Repolho, H.M., Antunes, A.P., “Location of courts of justice: The making of the new judiciary map of Portugal”, European Journal of Operational Research 272, 608-620, 2019.

Ibraeva, A., Correia, G.H.A., Silva, C., Antunes, A.P., “Transit-oriented development: A review of research achievements and challenges”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 132, 110-130, 2020.

Khalili, F.B., Antunes, A.P., Mohaymany, A.S., “Evaluating interregional freight accessibility conditions through the combination of centrality and reliability measures”, Journal of Transport Geography, 102665, 13 p., 2020.

Antunes, A., Martini, G., Porta, F., Scotti, D., “Air connectivity and spatial effects: regional differences in Europe”, Regional Studies 54 (12), 1748-1760, 2020.

Birolini, S., Antunes, A.P., Cattaneo, M., Malighetti, P., Paleari, S., “Integrated flight scheduling and fleet assignment with improved supply-demand interactions”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 149, 162-180, 2021.

Golalikhani, M., Oliveira, B.B., Carravilla, M.A., Oliveira, J.F., Antunes, A.P., “Carsharing: a review of academic literature and business practices toward an integrated decision-support framework”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 149 (102280), 22 p., 2021.

Ibraeva, A., Van Wee, B., Correia, G., Antunes, A.P., “Longitudinal macro-analysis of car use changes resulting from a TOD-type project: the case of Metro do Porto (Portugal)”, Journal of Transport Geography 92 (103036), 11 p., 2021.

Jorge, D., Ribeiro, N.A., Antunes, A.P., “Towards a decision-support tool for airport slot allocation: Application to Guarulhos (Sao Paulo, Brazil)”, Journal of Air Transport Management 93 (102048), 16 p., 2021.

Pinto, N., Antunes, A.P., Roca, J., “A cellular automata model for integrated simulation of land use and transport interactions”, International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (149), 16 p., 2021.