Pinho, Paulo, Prof.
Research Group 1 - Spatial Planning and Environment (SPE)

- Room:
Paulo Pinho (Porto, 1956) is Professor Emeritus at the University of Porto and founder and Director, until his retirement in 2022, of CITTA, the Research Centre in Territory, Transports and Environment. He was co-founder and Director for several years of the Doctoral Program in Spatial Planning (FEUP-FCTUC) and the Master's in Environmental Planning and Urban Design (FEUP-FAUP). Between 2015 and 2019 he was the Secretary General of AESOP. He is a researcher and consultant in Urban, Environment and Transport Planning.
Research Interests:
Urban metabolism and low carbon cities
Urban morphology and metropolitan dynamics
Shrinking cities
New forms of space production
Costal governance
CV links:
ORCID: 0000-0001-5159-8856
CiênciaVitae: E916-A479-FB3D