Rego, Gabriel
Research Group 4 - Transport Engineering and Management (TEM)

- Room:
Gabriel Fonseca Bordeaux Rego is currently a PhD candidate in Transport Systems at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, and a member of CITTA. His research, funded by FCT and entitled "Identification of Critical Success Factors for Hub Airports and Ports", focuses on analyzing the operational dynamics of air and maritime transport. Specifically, it emphasizes the infrastructure and socioeconomic characteristics required for a hub to perform its role effectively. Furthermore, his thesis seeks to understand movement patterns—passenger flows in the case of airports and cargo flows in the case of ports—by comparing these hubs with non-hub facilities.
Research Interests:
- Airport and Port Operations and Management
- Dynamics of Air and Maritime Transport
- Hubs and Transport Networks
- Economics of Airports and Ports
CV links:
- ORCID: 0009-0009-0749-7631