Spolaor, Silvia
Research Group 1 - Spatial Planning and Environment (SPE)

- Room:
Silvia Spolaor is a Brazilian architect with a PhD in Spatial Planning (CITTA-FEUP) and an MSc. in Urban Planning and Policy Design (POLIMI). She focuses on understanding how popular knowledge—shaped by social, economic, and cultural factors—influences the physical form of cities and how this comprehension can foster more inclusive planning strategies. Her key skills include qualitative spatial analysis, particularly using historical-geographical and process-typological approaches, along with mapping, to study the diachronic development and transformation of urban form.
Research Interests:
- Urban morphology
- Informal settlements
- Public participation
- Evidence-based urban practice
- Southern urban theory
CV links:
- ORCID: 0000-0003-0370-265X
- CiênciaVitae: 5213-9E58-DE8A