Airport Slot Allocation Processes (ASAP) Kick-off Meeting
The kick-off meeting of the ASAP project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029725) was attended by 30 participants, consisting of the research team and international consultants (9), industry partners (5), invited researchers (7), and invited experts (9). Overall, the meeting achieved participation by slot coordinators, high-level members of airline and airport associations, air navigation service providers, and university researchers.
- Airport Slot Allocation Processes (ASAP) Kick-off Meeting
- 2018-10-18T13:30:00+01:00
- 2018-10-19T19:00:00+01:00
- The kick-off meeting of the ASAP project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029725) was attended by 30 participants, consisting of the research team and international consultants (9), industry partners (5), invited researchers (7), and invited experts (9). Overall, the meeting achieved participation by slot coordinators, high-level members of airline and airport associations, air navigation service providers, and university researchers.
- When 18 Oct, 2018 01:30 PM to 19 Oct, 2018 07:00 PM (Europe/Lisbon / UTC100)
- Where Altis Grand Hotel (Rua Castilho 11, Lisboa) Room Madrid (12th Floor)
- Attendees Research team and international consultants: Alexandre Jacquillat (Carnegie Mellon U.), Amedeo Odoni (MIT), André Gomes (CITTA - U. of Coimbra), António Pais Antunes (CITTA - U. of Coimbra), Diana Jorge (CITTA - U. of Coimbra), José Fernando Oliveira (INESC TEC - U. of Porto), Lia Patrício (INESC TEC - U. of Porto), Maria Antónia Carravilla (INESC TEC - U. of Porto), Nuno Ribeiro (CITTA - U. of Coimbra). Industry partners: Alexandra Joaquim (ANA), Isabel Cysneiros (ANA), João Pita (ACI-GRU), Leandro Miranda (ANAC), Patrícia Cavaco (ANA). Invited researchers: António Menezes (U. Azores & TAP), Catherine Mancel (ENAC), Cyril Allignol (ENAC), Estelle Malavolti (ENAC), Konstantinos Zografos (Lancaster U.), Lorenzo Castelli (U. of Trieste), Mihaela Mitici (TU Delft). Invited experts: Aidan Flanagan (ACI-Europe), Anthony Leggat (Eurocontrol), Arantza Mendicoa Guillen (IATA), Didier Hocq (BSC), Eric Herbane (WWACG), Finbar Whelan (ACA), Fred Wister (EUACA), Günter Heinrich (ACI-FRAPORT), James Wiltshire (IATA).
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The main objective of the ASAP project is to develop planning and optimization models and tools and performing 2 analyses that will contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing Airport Slot Allocation Process. Specifically, the ASAP project and other related research activities aim to support the slot allocation process by
- developing decision-making support tools to support slot coordination entities, and
- analyzing what-if scenarios to simulate and assess potential adjustments to the Worldwide Slot Guidelines.
For this purpose, it is critical to engage with diverse and representative stakeholders through the research activities to obtain feedback on the approach and results, and ensure consistency with current and future practice.