1.10 - Environmental Policies and Planning Systems

Project Description

The spatial planning system and its instruments to promote and regulate development have steadily evolved on a direction, where the environment quality and environmental conflicts have become relevant subjects in the appreciation of development proposals. In a wider context, spatial planning has always incorporated principles of sustainable development, trying to combine, in a balanced relationship, economic development with social well being, directing different land uses and human activities to the most adequate locations.

This research project explores a theoretical framework involving two areas of interest, spatial planning systems and environmental policymaking. It is designed to analyse the environmental contents of different planning systems in Europe, particularly the binding instruments of local or urban level, like local urban development plans.

The work involves the analysis of some of the present European planning systems, identifying singularities and common features among them. The main objective is to produce a number of recommendations to improve the responsiveness of the current Portuguese planning system and environmental model to adopt, in the Portuguese scenario. Two hypothesis will be tested: to maintain the present situation with small adjustments, reinforcing the dual nature of the current system, or to propose a single and integrated system of spatial and environmental planning.

Research Team
  • Filipa Malafaya
  • Paulo Pinho (Supervisor)
Financial Support
  • FCT
Stage of Progress
  • Concluded in 2007