Projects Projects 1.1 - Urban Regeneration in the Metropolitan Area of Oporto 1.2 - Urban Planning and Port Management: the Changing Nature of City-Port Interactions 1.4 - Utopic Fragments in the Chaotic City: Closed Condominiums in Greater Oporto 1.3 - Real Estate Market and Urban Change 1.5 - Urban Planning for Immigrant Integration 1.6 - Management Models, Institutional and Financial Solutions for Historic Cities. ATLANTE - Enhance the UNESCO'S World Heritage Atlantic Cities Project 1.7 - (IMP)³ - Improving the Implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment 1.8 - Spatial Structuring for Metropolitan Planning Purposes: The Case of the Metropolitan Area of Oporto 1.10 - Environmental Policies and Planning Systems 1.12 - Evaluation in Urban Planning 1.13 - Urban Mobility Policy: A Framework for the Integration of Land Use and Transport Policies for Sustainable Urban Travel 1.14 - ICON - The Impact of Closed Condominiums in the Urban Form 1.15 - The Urban Design as a Potential Tool for a Bioclimatic Architecture 1.16 - Planning for Shrinking Cities in Portugal 1.17 - MOPUS - Mobility Patterns and Urban Structures 1.18 - Thermal Retrofitting of Public Spaces in Compact Urban Areas. A Bioclimatic Approach 1.19 - SUME - Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe 1.20 - SUPER-CITIES - Sustainable Land use Policies for Resilient Cities 1.21 - EVIDENCE - Re-Inventing Analysis, Design and Decision Support Systems for Planning 1.22 - TIA for EC, National and Regional Policies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 13 Next 20 items »
1.6 - Management Models, Institutional and Financial Solutions for Historic Cities. ATLANTE - Enhance the UNESCO'S World Heritage Atlantic Cities Project
1.8 - Spatial Structuring for Metropolitan Planning Purposes: The Case of the Metropolitan Area of Oporto
1.13 - Urban Mobility Policy: A Framework for the Integration of Land Use and Transport Policies for Sustainable Urban Travel