1.15 - The Urban Design as a Potential Tool for a Bioclimatic Architecture

Project Description

The research under an investigation for PhD thesis inset in the search, characterization and definition of innovative principles and recommendations essentially structural between the relations of urban design and architecture, anchored to essential bioclimatic principles for a sustainable urban environment, face to the specific conditions of the region - the north portuguese coast.

The variability of the Portuguese climate determines the existence of local specificities that, rarely, are considered in the planning of urban areas and buildings. In this context, the configuration of the plots, the shape of the buildings, the design and the relation of these attributes with the urban public space and its components, constitute, among others, basic valences in the urban project practice, which will be able to assure better results in terms of the bioclimatic principles of the different sectors in the city.

Using specific software for simulating climatic factors on virtual modelling of the territory, allow us to establish and manage multiple conditions on virtual urban models and therefore giving us an interesting evaluation of conceptual options developed for real urban spaces, taking as a main goal the optimization of bioclimatic architecture models and the control of comfort ratios in outdoor spaces.

Later on, having as a base the solutions achieved for the models of urban simulation, strategies and bioclimatic urban principles will be outlined, regarding the geomorphologic and climatic context of the North Coastal Portuguese Region.

Research Team
  • Bruno Marques
  • Fernando Brandão Alves (supervisor)
Financial Support
  • FCT
Stage of Progress
  • Concluded in 2011