2.14 - Urban Policy Evaluation in the Porto Metropolitan Area: The New Information Requirements

Project Description

The project's main goal consists on a comprehensive analysis and systematization of the new information requirements associated with the evaluation and monitoring of urban policies in the Porto Metropolitan Area.

The focus is given to two underlying types of issues. The first concerns data requirements emerging from "new" urban problems and from recent transformations of urban territories. This issue includes aspects associated with shifting processes resulting from the restructuring of the metropolitan territory, as well as with the identification and analysis of socio-spatial disparities, emphasizing specific "problem-areas".

A second set of issues relates to the contextualization of information needs, connected to "new" methodological requirements of the planning activity. This subject matter is dealt with in a context characterized by a wide spectrum of "practices", where planning is conceived as an interactive activity and a mutual learning process which may involve a multiplicity of stakeholders.

Research Team
  • Prof. Isabel Breda-Vázquez (coordinator)
  • Pedro Móia
Financial Support
  • FEUP
Stage of Progress
  • Concluded