2.25 - Urban Rehabilitation Market in Portugal: A Prospective Study and a Good Practice Guide

Project Description

The main goal of this study is to analyse the main characteristics and problems of the housing and urban rehabilitation market in Portugal, adopting a contextual and differentiated perspective: a perspective that assumes the existence of different spatial contexts, the need to develop analytical tools capable of describing and apprehending those differences, and the consequent need of different models of intervention. Proj_2.25.jpeg

The methodology of the study includes two main components: a statistical analysis of a large number of variables related to housing and population change, housing needs, housing market and housing rehabilitation market structures and dynamics; and a characterization, based on a survey directed to companies in the building industry, of the type and intensity of their intervention in urban rehabilitation, the perception of the housing and urban rehabilitation market evolution, and the identification of the main obstacles in the development of those markets. 

The importance of acknowledging the spatial diversity of situations and the consequent need of a territorialized approach to urban and housing rehabilitation; and the importance of understanding building companies’ difficulties and strategies, and the consequent need to develop specific capacities of cooperation and intervention constitute the main results of the study.

Research Team
  • Isabel Breda Vázquez
  • Paulo Conceição
  • Sofia Delfim
  • Frederico Sousa
Financial Support
  • AICCOPN; QREN, Compete – Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (FEDER)
Stage of Progress
  • Started in september 2012