2.3 - The Impacts of Urban Public Transport in the Urban Development of Metropolitan Area Porto

Project Description

Discuss the links between land use, urban development and urban public transport;

Readdress the question of the role of urban public transport in a sustainable urban development through the consequences of spatial configuration of urban dynamism;

To propose a set of structured concrete and innovative recommendations of urban policy embodying concerns of sustainable development in terms of interrelation between land use/urban development/transportation. The analysis will be carried out with the example of the AMP.

The research project has been carried out along the following tasks/phases:

Conceptualisation and data collection.
Comparative analysis between the processes of development of AMP and the evolution of urban public transport network.
Characterisation of the process of development of AMP (phases of urban expansion and reasons of suburban development; spatial patterns of housing and employment; patterns of land use); evolution of the public transport network (infrastructure investments, configuration of network).
Evaluation of the impact of urban public transport: the dynamics of the change during the 80s and 90s.
Analysis of the conditions of interdependency between the urban public transport and the metropolitan development, in an attempt to integrate the main conditions of change.
Organisation, evaluation and presentation of results of the research project; policy recommendations Proj_2.3.png

Research Team
  • Prof. Isabel Breda Vázquez (coord.)
  • Prof. Álvaro Costa
  • Paula Ribeiro Ramos

Financial Support
  • FCT/PRAXIS XXI (Projecto PRAXIS/AUR/13250/98)
Stage of Progress
  • Concluded (1999-2001)