2.9 - Urbact - Partners4action
Project Description
URBACT is a Community Initiative Programme that facilitates the networking between cities from all the Member States around three larger objectives:
- Develop transnational exchanges between URBAN I and URBAN II cities, those cities having benefitted from an Urban Pilot Project, and all cities with more than 20.000 inhabitants in the New Member States of the Union.
- Draw lessons from the analysis of their experiences, policies implemented locally and propose innovative approaches to those difficult issues.
- Disseminate towards the actors in all European cities the experiences in those different areas, the lessons learned and the resulting proposals for approach.
Partners4Action is a network on Public-Private Partnerships which investigates how PPPs are used to tackle economic, social and environmental problems within deprived urban neighbourhoods across Europe. Partner cities seek to identify best practice in how public authorities (chiefly city councils) can work effectively in partnership with the private sector to ensure both new investment and long term sustainability in urban neighbourhoods.
Local Authorities involved in Partners4Action are: Liverpool (coordinator), Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Budapest, Chemnitz, Copenhagen, Riga, Gera, Graz, Lille, Nicosia, Nottingham, Porto.
Research Team
Coordinator of the Project:
- City of Liverpool
Main thematic experts:
- Howard Green, Staffordshire University
- Hichem Trache, University of Nottingham
CITTA's research team (working with Porto Local Authority - Câmara Municipal do Porto):
- Prof. Isabel Breda Vázquez
- Prof. Paulo Conceição
Financial Support
- Null
Stage of Progress
- Concluded in 2006