3.95 - 3Cs - Cycling Campus & City

Project Description

The 3Cs project - Cycling, Campus & City, is focused on sustainable mobility and intends to highlight the value of sport and active transport to reduce carbon emissions. The main goal is to promote the use of bicycles for mobility in and out of cities. This project involves a collaboration between University of Coimbra (coordinator), Università degli Studi di Torino, UCJC Madrid University, University Paul-Valéry Montpellier, Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire and MUV B Corp start-up.

Research Team
  • Oxana Tchepel (RG3)
  • João Bigotte (RG3)
  • Anabela Ribeiro (RG1)
Financial Support
  • 101090685 — ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SCP
Stage of Progress
  • Started in 2023