Lopes, Miguel

Research Group 1 - Spatial Planning and Environment (SPE)
Lopes, Miguel
OPT - Optimização e Planeamento de Transportes S.A.

2015 PhD in Civil Engineering (Urban Planning). Thesis Title: ‘The Changing Publicness of Urban Spaces’. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal
2010 MSc in Civil Engineering (Urban Planning). Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal

Research Interests

  • Urban metabolism and the efficiency of cities
  • Mobility management and land-use transport integration
  • Design of bicycle networks and promotion of soft mobility modes

Mar 2010 – Jun 2010: Câmara Municipal do Porto, Portugal: Researcher during academic internship

Apr 2015 – Jun 2015: Instituto da Construção, Porto, Portugal: Researcher

Jul 2015 – Apr 2016: TRENMO Engenharia, Porto, Portugal: Consultant

May 2016 – Oct 2017: CITTA/ Instituto da Construção, Porto, Portugal: Senior Researcher

Nov 2017 – Present: CITTA, Porto, Portugal: Senior Researcher

Research Projects

2019 - 2021 Boost - Boosting Starter Cycling Cities, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031479

2017 - 2019 MIA Metabolic Impact Assessment: from concept to practice, FCT/ PTDC/ ECM-URB/5973/2014

Papers in international scientific journals

Lopes, M., Camanho, A. (2013). Social Indicators Research, 113, 3, 751-767

Lopes, M., Cruz, S., Pinho, P. (2019) Revisiting publicness in the assessment of contemporary urban spaces. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 145, 4.

Lopes, M., Cruz, S., Pinho, P. (2020) Publicness of Contemporary Urban Spaces: Comparative Study Between Porto and Newcastle. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 146, 4

Teixeira, J. Lopes, M. (2020) The link between bike sharing and subway use during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case-study of New York's Citi Bike. Transportation Research: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 6

Papers in proceedings

Lopes, M., Cruz, S., Pinho, P. (2017). The publicness of urban spaces: planning for urban change. In: Proceedings of the CITTA 10th Annual Conference on Planning Research – Planning for Climate Change, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 12 May 2017, pp 187-206. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. ISBN: 978-972-752-231-6

Lopes, M., Alves, F. (2013). Accessibility Plans in Response to the Needs of the Elderly. In: Proceedings of CITTA 5th annual conference on planning research. - Planning and Ageing: Think, Act and Share Age-friendly Cities, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, pp 383-398. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. ISBN: 978-972-752-153-1

Lopes, M., Cruz, S., Pinho, P. (2012). The Changing Publicness of Urban Spaces. In: EURAU 12 Porto – Espaço Público e a Cidade Contemporânea: Actas do 6º European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design, Porto, Portugal, 12-15 September 2012. Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto. ISBN: 978-989-8527-01-1

Lopes, M., Cruz, S., Pinho, P. (2012). Using Publicness as a Public Space Transdisciplinary Analysis Tool. In: Proceedings of Ambivalent Landscapes Conference, Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 6-7 December 2012. Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. ISBN: 978-972-9346-28-6