Projects Projects The Cycling Potential Assessment Method_Report.pdf 1.67 - Knowledge Alliance for Evidence Based Urban Practices 4.34 - BBAI - Brain Behavior Analysis Using The Most Advanced Artificial Intelligence And Computer Vision 4.35 - TRAIN - Mapping risks and requirements for truck platooning using a driving simulator 4.33 - DynamiCITY: Fostering Dynamic Adaptation of Smart Cities to Cope with Crises and Disruptions 4.31 - ASIASAFE - Modernisation, Development and Capacity Building of Master Curriculum in Traffic Safety in Asian Universities 1.68 - The Potential of Bike Sharing in Increasing Sustainable Mobility in Cities 1.76 - Sustainable Neighborhoods- Accessibility to Activities versus Personal Mobility Alternatives 1.74 - Towards a quantitative approach to Morphological Regions in GIS 1.72 - Mapping informality: the urban forms of ordinary cities 1.73 - Form & Function: Benchmarking real and ideal cities 1.70 - Bicycle Accessibility Planning: towards an Equitable Approach 1.74 - The assessment of urban identity: The case of Damascus 1.71 - The Role of Urban Design in Breaking Car-Oriented Mindsets 1.75 - Bike-Sharing Systems - Demand, Location and Impacts 1.77 - Urban quality indicators for informal settlements. The case of the municipality of the city of Nampula, Mozambique 1.78 - The assessment of urban identity: The case of Damascus 1.79 - Evaluation of Indoor Environmental Quality (Ieq) of Transport Cabins in Developing Countries with Tropical Climate. 1.82 - Comparative Analysis of Insular Urban Management Systems and the Case of Tourism: Portugal – Cape Verde 1.80 - Towards Coastal Landscape Governance « Previous 20 items 1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next 20 items »
4.34 - BBAI - Brain Behavior Analysis Using The Most Advanced Artificial Intelligence And Computer Vision
4.31 - ASIASAFE - Modernisation, Development and Capacity Building of Master Curriculum in Traffic Safety in Asian Universities
1.77 - Urban quality indicators for informal settlements. The case of the municipality of the city of Nampula, Mozambique
1.79 - Evaluation of Indoor Environmental Quality (Ieq) of Transport Cabins in Developing Countries with Tropical Climate.
1.82 - Comparative Analysis of Insular Urban Management Systems and the Case of Tourism: Portugal – Cape Verde